Headmates are people who exist separately but share the same head/body. Aside from that shared home, they differ in every way a person could differ from another.
The Northstar✨ System
The primary system in Our head, the one which started as a child with DID

(whole system; they/them)
✨ 💖
Omnigender, 9-tailed wolf, aetherially blue fur
A fusion of everyone in the Northstar System all at once.
Rather rare. Insightful, but a bit chaotic
The core host subsystem. Each member of this subsystem is equally a core host of the system.
When they all fuse together, they become Arc

(alter; he/him, they/them)
Our first host. Throughout Our life pre-integration, he used to go dormant every few years, each time a different host taking over.
These days they’s a common fronter. He is a husky.

(alter; they/him/her (all situational), it/its (affectionate, like a pet))
A Cheshire Shep puppy who joined the system as a persecutor-protector around 2003.
Hisorically has held a lot of anxiety and apologized a lot, but recently is working on healing from that.
Genderfluid age slider who can get stuck in littlespace.
Avatar by Render Boy
(alter; any pronouns)
They’s a Core alter. Xe is the system therapist. He’s also into mystical things like shamanism. She was the primary host from mid 2020 til July 2022. It’s asexual

(alter, tulpa; it/they/she, him in a butch way)
🩶 🦈
She’s an anthro leopard shark, created on-purpose in July 2023 to join as a new host.
They made themself an introject of Mischief and Quick Brown Fox from Halley Labs.
Fuck gender
The host subsystem. Each member of this subsystem is a host of the system, though many have retired from that role.
When they all fuse together, they become Kymera

(alter, subsystem; he/him, they/them)
The core of Our system. A kind fox.
Introject of Tod from The Fox and the Hound.

(alter; he/him)
Just A Dude™.
Binary heterosexual man. Not straight. Anthro pangolin.
A Klone, worker who specializes in planning and executing tasks which need to be done. Lots of determination! Works well with Slade.
I get things done
I am my father’s son

(alter; they/she/it)
She joined in April 2022. They is an ace lesbian. It is a kitsune, and enjoys taking care of loved ones.
Avatar by Things By Diana
(alter; any pronouns)
A chill undead bat. Slow, calm, supportive.

(alter; she/her)
🪡 ♥️
An older anthro aquatic dragon. She is mute, elegant, caring, motherly.
She’s an introject of Our partner-system’s alter Whispers.

(alter; he/him)
He’s a Charizard, whose coloring is white, blue, and black.
He speaks with a slight southern USA accent.
Often referred to as the “Mailine Alters” or “Primary Alters”, these are the alters of the system who aren’t in any subsystem.
When they all fuse together, they become Polaris

Kymera (subsystem name: The Klones)
(alter, subsystem; they/it)
The host of Our system. A protogen kobold!

(alter; he/him)
⚫ 🛡️
He’s a subdued and protective large masculine Scottish elder dragon. He actively & directly protects the system, its body, and its loved ones from physical & emotional harm.
Before integration, he tended to more completely feel emotions like anger, disdain, resentment, aggression, etc.; others only felt these briefly or muted.
Bide your tongue and take care of the little ones
- Telegram: @YourDragonJoel
- Twitter: @YourDragonJoel

(alter companion; he/it)
none yet selected
He’s Joel’s kobold. Soft scotchirish accent

(alter; hri/hem/hris/hemself, he/him)
Former prosecutor, tiefling/demon. Rediscovering himself.
Don’t let your life end without exploring yourself

(alter companion; he/it)
❤️🔥 🐺
He’s Mendo’s hellhound. Acts similarly to Mendo but more playful, with a kinda Sidekick mindset.
It resurfaced in October 2023. He’s been dormant for awhile. It has past-life memories of fighting & living alongside Mendo. He’s a quadroped hellhound, like a smokey Dire Wolf. Massive dog energy.

(alter; they/it)
A genderless raven. It’s wonderfully curious and sweet. They loves nature and philosophy
Before integration, their role once was to contain fear, anxiety, dread, etc.; others would only feel these briefly or muted before integration.
- Telegram: @VeryGoodBird
- Twitter: @AVeryGoodBird

(alter; she/her)
💗 🩷
She’s a femme bi dyke bitch. She joined the system in college (2009) to protect us from attacks on our identity (esp. anti-queer hatred). She’s a possum whose fursona is often a wolf or coyote or other wild dog of some sort.

(alter; she/it, him (situational))
🤍 🖤
It’s a caretaker. She’s a hypersexual anthro herm jackalope naga. It’s been in Our system since a sexual trauma incident in 2013.
I’m not bad; I was just drawn this way

(alter; him/them)
🕊️ 💟
They’s an angel and servant of the Abrahamic pantheon. He has a furred bipedal form with six wings.
They speaks formally and softly.
I love all equally

(alter; he/him)
👻 🤍
An introject of Danny Fenton from the show Danny Phantom.
Joined the system in Aug/Sep 2023.
His sense of age is as if he was born in 1990.
Sometimes, you just gotta roll with the punches
(alter; they/it/xem/em. Anything not binary tbh)
🐈⬛ 🖤
They’s a therian black housecat! It first fronted 2025-02-16.
First joined the system just to help Us communicate with cats.
Permanent headmates with very specialized skills & purposes.
Many of them see themselves as not being complete people, and having specific utility purposes, to be used for those purposes.

(fragment; it/its)
🚗 🐺
The chauffeur, Slade drives vehicles better than the rest of Us.
Formed from our hyperfocus & OCD.
Once handled driving, working, cooking, cleaning, thinking about a very engaging problem, etc., but recently specialized in driving.
Pre-integration, it could only front co-con.

(fragment; it/its?)
A chauffeur like Slade, but more laid-back and relaxed. A hedgehog
Oz (Oz Akezi, the Dreamweaver Nightguard)
(fragment; they/it)
Seems to have a hand in creating mundane dreams, like exploring a surreal version of our childhood home, or riding an infinite train, or using weird bathrooms.
Not nightmares, not metaphor dreams. We believe they exists to protect us from having nightmares in general
A Dreamweaver who is a red & gold anthro phoenix. We don’t know much else

(fragment; it/its)
An android. The only one who cannot feel any emotions at all. Absorbs emotions from all other headmates.
Fronts only when nobody else can, in dire emergencies.
Unsure how integration affected it.
(fragment; it/its)
Excels at keeping our information up to date and tidy. (hi! 👋🏽) It thinks of itself as a groundskeeper of our data.
It also currently acts as Our worker when writing software

(fragment; it/she)
It plays competitive video games.
She’s a cat and an introject of D.va.

(fragment; they? / he? / it?)
A monkey! Capuchin?
Does the shopping for Us! Very efficient at it too.
(fragment; he/him)
He’s an introject of Our lifelong plushie. He hasn’t fronted yet.
Very good at cooking.
A serpentine person with black, white, and blue markings. We don’t know much else
The Harmony System
A plural system of MLP:FiM tulpa introjects sharing the same head as the Northstar System, but seprate from Northstar.
Blaze built memory barriers and other such separators to make this system separate.

(tulpa; him/them)
🎵 🤍
Brought into the body with tulpamancy in 2012 and dormant from 2014 through 2022, he is an introjected tulpa of Vinyl Scratch from FiM. He’s a party pony to the core!
They’s a member of the Harmony System, who share the same head as The Northstar System.
- Telegram: @BlazeWubsYou

(tulpa; she/her)
Created by Blaze via tulpamancy in 2024, she is an introjected tulpa of Rainbow Dash from FiM.
She’s a member of the Harmony System, who share the same head as The Northstar System.
- Telegram: @BlazeWubsYou
Long-Term Visitors
Folks who currently reside in this head, but aren’t a member of any of its systems. They’re from somewhere else, and intend to leave at some point.

(visitor; ai’re/ai’rel/ai’et/ai’rrem/ai’rema, they/them in a plural way)
A timeherd.
A combination of fragments of future versions of the angel Elijah of the Northstar System and the succubus demon Inara of the Alastor System.
Behavior shifts between the two.
Ai’re don’t consider ai’rema part of a system in this head; ai’re see ai’rema as visiting the vessel to be a guide

(visitor; she/her, it/its like a car)
🩶 🚗
She’s a driver like Slade and Slack, and also a mechanic.
It’s the soul who once inhabited Our car, Hope.
She’s an automorph, meaning she’s anthropomorphic with features of her car body.